

At YOUTUBETO.SOCIAL, the privacy of our users and visitors is extremely important. This privacy policy outlines the types of personal information that is received and collected and how it is used.

This privacy policy is subject to change from time to time. To keep updated, you will have to revisit it regularly. Your use of this site, in any and all forms, constitutes an acceptance of this Privacy Policy.

User Data

The user data that is collected by YOUTUBETO.SOCIAL and stored in our database is mainly used to provide our services. The data collected is for YOUTUBETO.SOCIAL use only and we won't share sensitive information about our visitors and users with any third-party, unless it is required by a representative of the law.

User Stored Information

  • User information (email, profile, user-generated content, and newsletter opt-in settings).
  • User preferences and newsletter opt-in settings.

IP Address Logging

When uploading an image, you accept that we log your IP in our database to that specific image. When you delete that image, the IP will also be deleted, permanently. You can only delete your uploaded images if you have a user account. If you have uploaded images without an account and need to delete it, please contact our team, and we will assist you.

If your IP address is banned from our services due to illegal content or abuse of our service, it will be stored in our logs.

Your Personal Information

You own your personal information; you can request all the information YOUTUBETO.SOCIAL has stored on you at any time.

Security Measures

YOUTUBETO.SOCIAL will protect your information using reasonable security measures.


Cookies are used to run the site effectively, through advertising and other services that rely on cookies (e.g., the "Keep me logged in" feature).

If you wish to disable cookies, you may do so through your web browser options. Instructions for doing so and for other cookie-related management can be found on the specific web browsers' websites.

We are committed to conducting our business in accordance with these principles in order to ensure that the confidentiality of personal information is protected and maintained.